Tokyo Ghoul is a popular anime TV series which is based on a manga by Sui Ishida. The story follows the life of Kaneki, a Japanese college student who is transformed into a half-ghoul. Ghouls are supernatural creatures who need to eat humans to survive. Other ghouls befriend Kaneki at their coffee shop and try to teach him to live in his new world. The ghouls are constantly pursued by hunters who want to stamp them out of existence. Kaneki’s pain and sadness over being transformed into a ghoul are reflected in many of these quotes. Some of them are amusing. All of them will make you think. (Image Credit)
Never trust anyone too much, remember the devil was once an angel.
I’m tired of not being able to do anything
Even if we die or not really does not matter
Isn’t it arrogant to put a price on whether life is ‘higher’ or ‘lower’, Kaneki? We are just bags of meat. The weak bow down and the strong devour them. Rather, if you compared them to all living things, it’s humans who have shaved away the most lives. We are different than them.
What we know as our everyday can crumble in an instant. When it ends, it’s always in the blink of an eye
You really think that after all I’ve been through, something like that would actually hurt?
The most sure fire way to be loved by someone is to look past their pain and to gently come closer to them
Sometimes good people make bad choices, it doesn’t mean they are bad people. It means they are human
We’re always trying to justify our actions with ideals. But ideals cannot give grounds for killing another person. The act of taking a life will always be considered… evil.
We need to have a mask that we never take off.
If you like, you can stay over here tonight. If you’re lucky, you may see some cannibalism and that’s always fun…
We can only live while we lose.
Why should I apologize for being a monster? Has anyone ever apologized for turning me into one?
While my fingers grew like nails or hair again and again and again and again, every occasion had the feeling that it truly was a monster
I know I haven’t always made the right decisions up to now… Whether I was right, or whether I was wrong, may not even matter in the first place. However, running up against my sins like this– all of the choices I’ve made up to this point– today, being able to die for someone– is something I’m glad for…
Sometimes you’re confronted with the ugly parts of yourself that you don’t want to see, but books can also tell you a lot about the things you didn’t notice when you’re just trying to get through somehow
I wanna be nice but everyone annoys me
I can not live with you but I can not live without you either.
What can a weak person protect? Who can they save? Without power the weak can only be snatched away
Getting angry at another person is an important thing. As long as you direct that anger in the right direction, it’s fine.
I know you may not believe this, but I’m human. And yet… I want to eat this so bad, I can’t help it. But if I do, I won’t be human anymore.
The world runs on power. Everything is determined by the superior power. You are weak. That is why you lose.
Be the main character in you own life.
I don’t care about taking the side of those I cannot see. I fight for those close to me. And it just so happens that they’re mostly ghouls
When you’re in front of the enemy, even if your hands are trembling – fight.
I’m begging you, don’t make me a killer!
Without someone saying anything, without giving his name, like a puzzle solving for itself. Just seeing that figure, I understood who it was. He was the reaper of the GCC. The undefeated ghoul investigator. With a cold and lived look, there was the God of death
I’m not after your empathy. I empathize you. It must be terrible. Trapped by your past, unable to live in the present..
All suffering in the world is born from an individual’s incompetence.
It’s better to be hurt than to hurt others. Nice people can be happy with just that.
My deep wounds had healed and the sweet taste of blood was in my mouth. I kept walking, my goals uncertain, trying to dispel the uneasiness of my chest, entering an open area was the smell of rotting flowers and there he was
All of the disadvantage in this world stems from a person’s lack of ability.
We have to break a chain of grief
What I cannot avenge is not miserable. What’s really miserable is that you are seized with revenge and, you cannot live your own life
Why is it that the beautiful things are entwined more deeply with death than with life?
I want you to understand us better, to see whether or not we are just ravenous beasts.
All we can do is live as we endure loss.
It’s not because we can’t take vengeance that we should feel sorry. The real reason to feel sorry… is when one is hung up on revenge and can’t live their own life.
A hidden truth, no matter what the circumstances, is full of cruel things.
I keep it all inside because I’d rather the pain destroy me than everyone else.
After you’ve gobbled him down you’d be left alone to regret it while covered in blood and guts. That’s the hunger of a ghoul. That’s our destiny.
The only thing we can do while we lose things is to live
Who cares if you’re on both sides of the fence? You are neither human nor ghoul, it is you. Enjoy this life of mestizo
All we can do is live while losing things.
Never kick me when I’m down , because when I get up … you’re f*cked.
This world is survival of the fittest. The strong eat.’ ‘Who is strong?’ I am. Me
if you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be… a tragedy.
The bird fights it’s way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born, must first destroy a world.
It’s your path. Try walking it alone.
Whose fault is it that things ended up like this? Coincidence? An accident? Fate? There’s no such thing as fate. It’s simply a combination of one circumstance and the next. And who is it that creates those circumstances? Who is it? It’s you.
There are times when you’ll have to protect something even at the cost of something else.
What’s wrong isn’t me, what’s wrong is the world!
Even if time has passed, even if our bodies have changed, even if he’d forgotten me completely… As long as he came back home, things’ll be all right
For the sake of food and anger I’ve also killed a lot of people!
Pain is your friend,pain is your ally.
After you have swallowed it you will be alone repenting while you are covered with blood and viscera. That’s the hunger of a ghoul, it’s our destiny
While it is for the right cause, there is nothing wrong with playing dirty
Trusting a human is difficult, but, if it’s by you, then it’s probably fine if I’m betrayed.
Just because beans are expensive does not mean the coffee will turn out well. Nothing will if you brew it without care. But the opposite is also true. Even cheap beans can be flavorful if you brew them with care to bring out their unique qualities.
Human relationships are chemical reactions. If you have a reaction then you can never return back to your previous state of being.
I tried to be normal once, and it was boring.
You choose to be hurt rather than to hurt others, right? You’re nice and wonderful. But while it seems like you are choosing both, you’re really forsaking both
Doing what one likes is the right of the powerful.
The act of taking is equally evil. We, from the moment of birth, continue to take. Food, connections, even fellow blood. Living to the utmost. Continuing to slaughter, kill, take. Life is to constantly sin. Life is evil itself. I am aware I am evil…. And so are you all. Now, come kill me and, I shall do the same.
You’re wrong. It’s not the world that’s messed up; it’s those of us in it. Yes, some ghouls walk a path that leaves sorrow in their wake, but just like humans, we can choose a different path altogether. We have a lot to learn, both your kind and mine. We need to stop fighting, and start talking. Because when it comes to the state of the world, you can’t point your finger at ghouls or humans. We’re all to blame.
I won’t forgive anyone who threatens the peace in my life.
Your life has been a hell? Get over yourself!
When planning a date, you have to pick a place where the girl will have fun.
You only need a strong will and a clear purpose.
Take me by the hand, as if to fill the niches in the memories in my brain fluid. Without even hesitating, we kept walking. Nasty clouds floated in the sky, I know it will happen to me the next time I wake up
I think what’s necessary is the ‘right distance.’ Instead of mutually tramping on each others’ existence we should just respect each other a little more.
Everything is ‘terrible’? Don’t make me laugh. So what about me… for me, it’s been terrible since I was born.
.I make idiotic mistakes, and I’m oblivious to the pain of others because I’m too used to pain myself. But you’re not like that, Yoriko. I feel calmer just by being around you — that’s the kind of presence you have. You’re so, so many of the things I’m not
You don’t need to blame yourself just because you’ve hurt someone, just like when you’re walking you can’t really blame yourself to crush some ants… that’s what being stronger ones means.
I’m not going to protect you by being your shield or armor, but I’ll be the dagger hidden below your pillow.
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